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➡NEW INVESTIGATION | Arévalo, One Year On

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#Árevalo #Corruption

Dear Subscriber, Master List

InSight Crime is pleased to announce the launch of our latest investigation: Arévalo, One Year On: Is Guatemala’s President Losing the Fight Against Corruption? (

One year ago, Bernardo Arévalo came to power in Guatemala in a stunning political upset that rattled the country’s elites. Arévalo and his party, the Seed Movement (Movimiento Semilla), promised a crackdown on entrenched corruption networks that have long enriched a powerful minority at the expense of the country’s political, economic, and social development.

However, after a year in office, there have been minimal signs of tangible anti-corruption reforms, and the president appears increasingly powerless to deliver the platform he promised.

Perpetual legal challenges from nefarious actors have crippled Semilla’s power. Corruption within state institutions is so widespread that purging key ministries could hobble basic government functions. Meanwhile, the country’s attorney general hounds the president with dubious legal attacks and has hollowed out her office of competent corruption prosecutors.

InSight Crime has spent the past year documenting Arévalo’s struggles, conducting over 50 interviews with key political players to produce the most comprehensive dissection to date of the paradoxical task facing Guatemala’s president. That is: How do you advance an anti-corruption agenda in a country where corruption is the norm?

You can read the report on our website ( or by downloading the PDF below.
Read the investigation (
Download the PDF (


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InSight Crime is sponsored by:
American University
The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency

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